
Communication Policy

Our motto is to offer the best customer service possible while swiftly attending to our clients’ requirements and concerns. Email, text messaging, voicemail, and WhatsApp are the channels we utilise to speak with clients directly. We avoid communicating with clients on social media in order to protect client privacy and operate as effectively as feasible.


Contact Information Modifications ‍

As a student you will inform your instructor as soon as your contact information changes.


Class Updates

You will receive regular updates about your online course as a client. These updates and any invoices are typically emailed out every week. You can also get emails outlining key alterations and occasions that have an impact on your case.


Phone Calls‍


Every call from a client would be welcomed if we could personally answer it. However, the majority of my day’s activities are arranged in advance to guarantee my undivided attention in order to maintain an effective and efficient practise. This also applies to customer phone calls. Your call will always be treated in the strictest confidence, and our staff is prepared to handle the majority of ordinary issues and enquiries. Sending a brief email is typically more effective if your situation necessitates interacting with us right away. This stops us from playing phone tag and ensures that we will pay close attention to you (and not just a quick second between meetings).Priority will be given to returning messages and voicemails from scheduled calls above unscheduled needs’ voicemails.


Instead of emailing if the situation requires immediate attention, SMS. Similar to how we might text you first and email you later if we needed your attention right away.